Just Got My Belt Replaces Sqreeching Again

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Guide to fixing that annoying screeching chugalug (It finally works!) [squeal]
- Thread startergdem69
- Get-go engagement
- #1
- 24
- 0
- Sep 23, 2008
- Laval, Quebec_Canada
The two big issues are the tensioner for the atlernator and the commodities that holds the tensioner in identify. I sent my car to two garages and both told me that my pullys have to be aligned and that i would maybe accept to change most of my pullys (typical for mechanics to brand a unproblematic fix a large issue)
How To Ready Your Belt (Atleast How I Fixed Mine)
Showtime bank check if the belt is worn out. in most cases considering the chugalug has been squeaking for so long, chances are that you will demand to supercede it. To replace it, you will need to jack upward your car and loosen the commodities underneeth the altonator which is holding information technology in place. so play around with the tensioner on your alternator making sure that your are loosening it and not tightening. with a lot of patients and a bit of time considering its so tight and awakward, you volition be able to skid that old worn out belt and replace it with a bran new one.
And then check the bolt that goes from left to right through the tensioner. One of my issues was that this specific bolt would get loose very ofttimes then i purchased a new nut with a nylon linning in it then it would forbid information technology from getting loose again. Information technology worked out beautifully.
Then compare the tension of your chugalug to the belt which is to the left of your alternator. Obviousily to adjust the tension for your belt loosen the nut and bolt that concur the tensioner in place (the one described higher up that goes from left to correct) and then tighten your tensioner appropriately. I think that this is the problem with most of these mitsubishi'south the altinator tensioner.
Finally im going to let many in on a picayune surreptitious that my friend told me. There is no chance in this but just the same do it at your own risk because i dont want to exist responcible for anyones actions. Take a wax candle and rub it on the inside of your chugalug gently so that you dont ruin any of the groovs. Your soposeto do this while the car is on (while the chugalug is in motion) but because information technology is then tight i would never suggest for anyone to do this, it is really as well dangerous. as well jack up the car on the drivers side if you lot accept a gst or gsx, yous will find the same belt underneeth (the one closest to the drivers side tire) and keep to rub your wax candle on it to embrace every bit much surface equally possible. Dont exagerate with the candle because yous dont need to put that much just pass it through your belt four or 5 times max.
One time everything is checked and done properly it is well-nigh guaranteed that your car volition never sqeak once more and trust me it is a hudge relief because it was driving me crazzy as it has been to many. I put it through a exam last night driving on a pretty cold night with my lights and vents on while parallel parking and to my supprise i didnt hear a unmarried noise from that chugalug. What a relief!!! i wish all thoes who attemt to finally fix their belts all the luck possible. Hopefully my tips volition lead you lot to success.
- #two

- 11,862
- 1,135
- April 5, 2003
- Coloma, Michigan
- #3

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- Feb 22, 2008
- Metairie, Louisiana
- #4
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- April 28, 2008
- Centralia, Illinois
Just good fix.
- Thread starter
- #v
- 24
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- Sep 23, 2008
- Laval, Quebec_Canada
- #6
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- 1
- April 28, 2008
- Centralia, Illinois
- Thread starter
- #seven
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- Sep 23, 2008
- Laval, Quebec_Canada
- #8

- 11,862
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- Apr 5, 2003
- Coloma, Michigan
That stuff is hit-or-miss. It worked for my buddy's Honda, but it doesn't do a thing for my 2G or my roomate's 2G.I only looked and Autozone has a spray that coats the belt and stops the squealing. Information technology'southward called Belt Dressing.
- Thread starter
- #ix
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- Sep 23, 2008
- Laval, Quebec_Canada
- #10
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- #11
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- Sep 23, 2008
- Laval, Quebec_Canada
- Thread starter
- #12
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- Sep 23, 2008
- Laval, Quebec_Canada
- #13
- #fourteen
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- #15
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- Jul 12, 2006
- Vancouver, Washington
I do like the candle wax thought though. The bar of lather flim-flam has been around for a long time but I can see how information technology would cause problems if it gets wet. And I agree with the others, the belt dressing does not work well.
- #xvi

- 718
- 8
- Apr 22, 2005
- Orlando, Florida
- #17

- 11,862
- 1,135
- Apr 5, 2003
- Coloma, Michigan
We're open to proffer, if yous have a meliorate idea.I don't like these band aid fixes it shouldn't have to exist similar this I believe at that place is more than to it.
Many of us accept tried it all (multiple dampeners, belts, alternators, tensions, etc...).
I'thousand non a fan of bandaid fixes, but if a scrap of candle wax ceases that god-awful noise, and so I'k grateful.
- #18

- 34,766
- 181
- January xiii, 2003
- glorious Galt, California
Exist especially careful when messing with a running DSM's accompaniment side- at that place'south not only the universal danger in only being around drive belts -which volition seize with teeth off a finger long before you feel it- but there's the boosted threat that if information technology grabs y'all, the lack of clearance will wind up with inescapable mangling. No long sleeves, no jewelry, no watch.
- #19

- 1,579
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- Sep 3, 2007
- San Bruno, California
- Thread starter
- #20
- 24
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- Sep 23, 2008
- Laval, Quebec_Canada
- #21

- 120
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- Sep 26, 2008
- lake butler, Florida
- #22

- 109
- 1
- May xiii, 2008
- Monroe, Wisconsin
- #23

- 718
- eight
- Apr 22, 2005
- Orlando, Florida
I know a trivial near power transimission belts ( the term for these belts) serpentines like a lot of tension.We're open to proffer, if you accept a amend idea.I'm not a fan of bandaid fixes, but if a bit of candle wax ceases that god-awful noise, then I'thou grateful.
Mind you my pulleys have 178k on them non a squeak out of the belts ( I simply changed them btw non oem poly from advance motorcar).
Well for one there shouldn't be ANY grease dirt, rust or oil in serpentine grooves, utilise a
nord lock washer on the the tension lock cross commodities now... stick a screw driver in between the PS and alt the pry dorsum equally difficult and you lot tin can and lock that tension. Then plough the tension commodities to that point where it keeps that specific tension.I really practise mean clean those grooves weather condition information technology be degreaser/carb cleaner and so steel brush/air fitting to blow debris clean off.
Information technology SHOULD NOT squeak over again and for added adhesion I do it on a new belt I buy stop squeak and let information technology soak on the grooves and install (one time once more make certain pulley grooves are CLEAN), because what cease squeak volition do is for one it's increase its adhesion and it volition coat the pulleys to keep mess from causing it to slip but it needs to exist clean prior for it to do that.
Nord lock washers ( www.mcmastercarr.com )
The ps belt for 1g are a V belt they need little tension and they are very efficient I never have a problem with it.
- #24

- xi,862
- 1,135
- April 5, 2003
- Coloma, Michigan
Brand new, out of the box Fluidampnr, brand new alternator, and brand new Mitsu belt. I even removed the pulleys from the water pump, and I thoroughly cleaned both of them with carb cleaner. It still squealed. I added tension, and it made no difference. I inverse the belt to a Gatorback, and it got amend, but the problem is nonetheless present.
I haven't tried this candle trick nevertheless, because I haven't driven my car since earlier this thread was made. Simply I have every intention to try it the next time I go my car out of the garage.
PS - As well much tension will wear out the bearings in the alternator. As yous increase tension, the alternator will present itself every bit a weak link long earlier the belt will.
- #25

- 718
- 8
- Apr 22, 2005
- Orlando, Florida
My tension has been tight for a long fourth dimension and I don't accept a worn out alternator, I push my finger on the belt and if I can push the chugalug downwards to brand it bend and then information technology's enough if I can't that'southward too much.
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Source: https://www.dsmtuners.com/threads/guide-to-fixing-that-annoying-screeching-belt-it-finally-works-squeal.309714/
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